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Grade 12 Hyperloop Exercises

 Working with words

A. Choose the correct words from the box to complete the following sentences.

a. I think that covering up the facts is equivalent to lying really.

b. If there is not a substantial move to public transport, we will have deceleration and the whole regeneration will not work.

c. Each new leader would blame his predecessor for all the evils of the past.

d. We have, in fact, envisioned a better world and have made it happen.

e. The main linear actuators of the pneumatic systems are cylinders.

f. The barrel was short and the bullet emerged at subsonic speed.

g. The city is said to receive two-fifths of the total freight delivered in the country.

h. It would still take four hours to get down, in a spiral of gridlock.

i. Apparently, the magician will be doing some levitation on the stage tomorrow.

j. We might be experiencing some turbulence on this flight due to an approaching electrical storm.

B. Add three more words that are formed with the following prefixes.

a. hyper- : hyperloop, hyperactive, hypersensitive, hypertension

b. ultra- : ultrahigh, ultrasonic, ultraviolet, ultrasound

c. up-: uphill, upgrade, upland, upturned

d. over-: overcoming, overestimate, overachieve, overkill

e. multi-: multibillion, multicolor, multilingual, multimedia



Answer the following questions.

a. What is a hyperloop? How does it work?

Ans: Hyperloop is an ultra-high-speed ground transportation system for passenger and cargo that travels as high as 760 mph. The passenger pods or capsules floating on air skis or levitating by the use of magnetic force are passed through giant, low-pressure tubes, either above or below the ground at a high speed.

b. How is hyperloop more beneficial than the traditional trains?

Ans: Hyperloop is more beneficial than the traditional trains because it could be cheaper and faster than traditional trains. And also it would take less time and money to build them. 

c. Does hyperloop have a successful history? How?

Ans: Yes, hyperloop has a successful history. The Crystal Palace Pneumatic Railway had successfully used air pressure to push a wagon uphill and a vacuum to drag it back down way back in Victorian south London in 1864. And the systems using pneumatic tubes to send mail and packages between buildings have been in use since the late nineteenth century. However, use of hyperloop as an ultra-high-speed ground transportation is still at an experimental phase. 

d. Write the contributions of Robert Goddard and Elon Musk for the development

of hyperloop.

Ans: Robert Goddard developed the concept of vactrain, a very-high-speed rail transportation that used the magnetic levitation line using partly evacuated tubes or tunnels, in early twentieth century.

Elon Musk reignited interest in the concept of hyperloop with his ‘Hyperloop Alpha’ paper in August 2013. His company Tesla is working on to develop an advanced model of hyperloop.

e. What relation does speed have with air resistance? Explain.

Ans: The high air resistance increases the drag force of the air resulting in a decline in the speed of the hyperloop tube. Similarly reduction of air resistance decreases the drag force increasing the speed of the tube.  

f. What are hyperloop capsules compared with? How are they similar?

Ans: Hyperloop capsules are compared with Boeing 747. They are similar because both of them have the capacity to accelerate with the same tolerable G-forces.

g. How do the passengers feel while travelling via hyperloop? What will be done to make it luxurious?

Ans: The passenger will feel about the same as riding in an elevator or a passenger plane while travelling via hyperloop. Beautiful landscapes will be displayed in the cabin and each passenger will have access to their own personal entertainment system to make it luxurious. 

h. Why does the writer doubt about the success of hyperloop? What does the success depend on?

Ans: The author doubts about the success of hyperloop because it can be an expensive and complicated business because of the expensive land and engineering hurdles, and it may even take many years to bring this technology into practice. The success depends on the destinations, local economics, and geography of the place.


Critical thinking

a. Is the hyperloop the future of transportation or just a dream? What do you think? Justify your opinion with suitable reasons.

Ans: I think hyperloop is the future of the transportation system. It is not just a dream because several scientific research and experiments have proved that this technology is possible to bring into practice. However it has been facing tremendous engineering obstacles to execute. The other trade-offs involve cost, safety, and practicality. Any accidents, such as an air leak, would be catastrophic. Despite this, I believe engineers and scientists will surely find a way to overcome these obstacles. Different organisations including Virgin Hyperloop are presently driving a radical transformation in the transportation industry through hyperloop technology: a new mode of transportation designed to eliminate the barriers of distance and time for both people and freight. There are several things in favour of the Hyperloop. It will be a much cheaper and faster way to travel, and will greatly reduce the emissions associated with transportation as well. 

b. The number of private vehicles is increasing day by day in Nepal beyond the capacity of our infrastructure. What do you think should be done to curb the ever-growing number of private vehicles? Discuss.

Ans: Nepal is facing several problems like traffic jams and road accidents as the number of private vehicles is increasing day by day beyond the capacity of our infrastructure. Besides heavy traffic and road accidents, problems like air pollution, noise pollution, lack of parking spaces, and road rages have become a part of everyday life. Nowadays, so many Nepalese can afford private vehicles because of the growth in their financial status due to foreign employment or other financial activities inside the country. However, the transport infrastructures are not upgraded according to the hike in the number of vehicles. As a result, we find more vehicles crawling on the road than its capacity.

To curb the ever-growing number of private vehicles the concerned authority should frame and execute some plans and policies addressing this problem. The first reason people try to get their own vehicle is because of the expensive and inconvenient public transport system. If the authority provides a cost effective and proper public transport system, it will reduce people’s necessity to get their own private vehicle. Besides, the government should impose high taxes on private vehicles. It also can apply an odd-even system, increase the extension of one-way systems, manage traffic-light controls to take account of traffic variation, and impose restrictions on parking and vehicle loading on major roads. In this way the ever-growing number of private vehicles can be curbed.


B. Suppose you are the General Manager of Nepal Airlines. Issue a press release on behalf of the airlines about the cancellation of flights to the mountain regions due to the poor weather condition.

Press Release

For Immediate Release

Flight Cancellation due to Bad Weather

Nepal Airlines informs its passengers that due to bad weather conditions and unclear vision, its flights from and to all mountainous regions of the country with effect from September 8 till September 10 are cancelled.

All the flights to Pokhara, Lukla, Ramechhap, Jomsom, Dolpa, Bajura, Simikot, Jumla, langtan, Manang, Dolpa, Rolpa, Shyangboche, Tumlingtar, Baglung, Baitadi, Darchula, Dhorpatan, Jiri airports on today are cancelled due to the low visibility of 2000 metres in the airport caused by dense fog. According to the Meteorological Forecasting Division, GoN, the thick fog will cover the mountainous regions for two more days.

Due to the bad weather during the winter season, we are forced to stop our flight to those regions where there is low visibility. All the passengers will be informed after its regular services to its valuable customers as soon as the weather condition in those areas improves.

Nepal Airlines apologises to its passengers for this interruption of service and reminds that the safety and security of flights and passengers remains a daily concern of its staff.

Affected passengers can contact our customer service at 16600100001  for more information.

Mrs. Archana Khadka


(Director Corporate Department)

Nepal Airlines Corporation

8 September 2022


Subject verb agreement

A. Study the following examples.

a. Neither she nor I am guilty.

b. I am not sure whether you or he has created the trouble.

c. Either the students or their English teacher is responsible for the misinformation.

d. Neither boiling of water with the express purpose of destroying bacteria and other parasites nor other purification methods were employed in Western civilizations.

B. Rewrite the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.

a. The invitation is for one person. I don’t mind whether you or she comes to the party.

b. Neither the MPs nor the Prime Minister has felt regret for the party split.

c. I don’t care whether he or she wins the lottery.

d. Either the Kantipur or the Republica is used for the advertisement.

e. She speaks in a strange accent. Neither I nor my sister understands her.

f. I forgot whether the singers or the actress was given the Film Fair Award last year.

g. Neither the tracksuit nor the pajamas fit me perfectly.

h. Neither the gas fire nor the electric heaters are suitable for room heating.

C. This passage contains the agreement errors. Correct the subjects or verbs that don’t agree with each other. Remember to use present tense in your corrections. 

Within the state of Arizona, Rob, along with his family, moves frequently, from city to city. After his arrival, one of his first tasks is to find an apartment close to work as he does not have a car. Usually, there are many different places to choose from, and he considers cost, location, and luxury. If one apartment has a washing machine and dryer and costs four hundred dollars a month, he prefers to rent it over another apartment which has significantly less rent located two blocks from a Laundromat. Rob's family never wants to live in an apartment on the thirteenth floor since all of them fear heights. He also tries to choose an apartment with landlords recommended by former tenants. Everybody knows that it is important to find a responsible landlord. Rob and his wife love to cook together when both are free, so he needs a spacious, well-equipped kitchen. Rob often also looks for a place with an air conditioner because there are so many scorching days and nights in Arizona. Whenever Rob finds a new apartment, all of his concerns disappear. He feels relieved and calls his mother. Someone understands!


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