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Grade 12, Education | A Story of My Childhood by Abdul Kalam | Questions Answers

Working with words

A. Match the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’.

Column 'A'                                       Column 'B'

a. expectantly >>>>>>> vi. in a way that shows you are hoping for something, especially something good or exciting

b. beckon >>>>>>>>> viii. to give signal to somebody to move nearer or to follow you

c. grapple >>>>>>>> v. to try hard to find a solution to a problem

d. texture >>>>>>>> ii. the way food or drink tastes or feels in your mouth 

e. cobbled >>>>>>> vii. having a surface that is made of small round stones

f. flimsy >>>>>>>>  iv. thin and easily torn

g. attire >>>>>>>>  i. clothes, especially fine or formal ones

h. marvelous >>>>> ix. extremely good; wonderful 

i. dynamics >>>>>> iii. the science of the forces involved in movement

B. An autobiography is a story of a person’s life, written by himself/herself.  Use a dictionary and find the meanings of the following words related to people’s life stories.

hagiography – a biography that treats the person with excessive or undue admiration.

psychobiography- a biography written from a psychodynamic or psychoanalytic point of view.

pathography – a biography that focuses on a person's illnesses, misfortunes, or failures

chronicle – a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence.

obituary – a brief biography of the recently deceased person in a newspaper.

character sketch – a short written description of a person’s characters, qualities, etc.

profile- a short description of someone's life, work, character, interests, etc. 

memoir- A memoir is any nonfiction narrative writing based in the author's personal memories.

C. An intonation refers to the way the voice rises and falls when speaking. They can be rising, falling, rising-falling or falling-rising. Listen to your teacher reading the following sentences and find out their intonation patterns.

(Note: Capitalized words denote raising intonation, and bold italicized words denote falling intonation

a. I have some good news for you!

    I have some GOod NEWS for you!

b. I was so pleased to hear this result.

    I was SO pleaSED to HEAR this result.

c. My mother would have a hot meal ready.

   My MOther would have a hot MEAL ready.

d. I have some good news for you!

The whole CLASS went to the SEAshore of RaMESWAram.

e.Who knew that a Muslim and a Hindu boy could not sit together?

 Who KNEW that a MUSlim and a HinDU boy COULD NOT sit TOgether?

f. He also explained to us how they change direction while flying.

He ALSO explained to us HOW they CHANGE direction while FLYing.

g. He asked the other students whether they had understood or not.

He ASKed the other STUDents whether they HAD UNDERstood or not.

h.Where is the engine in this bird?

 WHERE is the ENGine in THIS bird?

i. How can I progress further in learning all about flight?

How CAN I proGRESS furTHER in learning all about FLIGHT?

j. Should I go to engineering college where I would be able to learn about flight.

SHOULD I go to engiNEERing colLEGE where I would be ABLE TO LEArn about FLIght.



A. Put the following events in the life of Abdul Kalam in a chronological order.

a. They celebrated happiness with poli.

b. Abdul Kalam was determined that he would make a future study about flight and flight systems.

c. Abdul Kalam attended an elementary school at Rameswaram.

d. He then took the students to the seashore for a practical class.

e. Many students did not understand well of Sivasubramania Iyer’s lecture.

f. One day Abdul Kalam’s teacher visited them to share his pride and pleasure about his performance.

g. A new teacher in the school forbade Abdul Kalam to sit together with his Bramhin friend.


c. Abdul Kalam attended an elementary school at Rameswaram.

f.  One day Abdul Kalam’s teacher visited them to share his pride and pleasure about his performance.

a. They celebrated happiness with poli.

g. A new teacher in the school forbade Abdul Kalam to sit together with his Bramhin friend.

e. Many students did not understand well of Sivasubramania Iyer’s lecture.

d. He then took the students to the seashore for a practical class.

b. Abdul Kalam was determined that he would make a future study about flight and flight systems.

B. Answer the following questions.

a. What were the causes of Abdul Kalam’s happiness?

Ans: The causes of Abdul Kalam’s happiness were that he had scored full marks in Mathematics and his teacher came himself to his home to inform them about this.

b. Which two places did Abdul Kalam visit before going to school?

Ans: Abdul Kalam visited Arabic tuition class to learn Koran, and Mathematics teacher’s house to learn math before going to school.

c. What did he like about mathematics?

Ans: He liked learning about numbers and their rules and patterns. He was very enthusiastic to know about more complex problems.

d. Why was the new teacher unhappy?

Ans: The teacher was unhappy because he did not like the idea of a Hindu and a Muslim boy were sitting together.

e. Why did Abdul Kalam have to split with his intimate friend?

Ans: Abdul Kalam had to split with his intimate friend because the school in Rameswaram had classes only till the secondary level and to study further he had to go to the bigger towns nearby.

f. What was the topic of Sivasubramania Iyer’s class?

Ans: The topic of Sivasubramania Iyer’s class was “How birds fly”.

g. How was the teacher’s reaction when the students told him that they did not understand his lecture?

Ans: The teacher was not upset at all when the students told him that they did not understand his lecture.

h. Why did Sivasubramania Iyer take his students to the seashore?

Ans: Sivasubramania Iyer took his students to the seashore to teach them the flight dynamics in birds with a theoretical lesson coupled with a live practical example available in nature.

 Critical thinking

a. APJ Abdul Kalam became a renowned aerospace scientist in his later life. Do you find any association of his childhood days in shaping his career? Explain with specific instances from the text.

Ans: Yes, Kalam’s childhood days have played a greater role in shaping his career as an aerospace scientist in his later life. I can say this because of some references Kalam has mentioned in the given extract from his autobiography. Firstly, he was a very sincere student who was extremely interested in Mathematics. He even scored full marks in it, which shows that he had an aptitude for calculation and problem solving since his childhood. And this quality must have been contributed in his later life to frame his career. Secondly, Kalam mentions the inspiration that he got from his teacher, Sibasubramania. As Sivasubramania took Kalam and his friends to the seashore to teach them the flight dynamics in birds through a theoretical lesson coupled with a live practical example available in nature. Kalam asserts that the teacher's teaching and the event that he witnessed that day decided his career path. And lastly, he further asked with the same teacher about the way he could frame his career in aerospace, in fact, which he got as well. With these childhood incidents and the sharp dedication along with his interest in the field, APJ Abdul Kalam became a renowned aerospace scientist in his later life.

b. Kalam mentions an instance of discrimination against him in his school life. What picture of society does he want to depict by mentioning the incident? Discuss.

Ans: This instance of discrimination, wherein a new teacher makes Kalam and his best friend sit separately because of their different religion, shows the religious intolerance that was prevailed at that time in India. In this extract of his autobiography, Kalam has depicted how some people deliberately created divisions between Hindu and Muslim by instilling hatred in young minds. India has several instances of riots between Hindus and Muslims where thousands of people lost their lives. Kalam also recounts how his friend’s father convinced his father to raise voice against this misdeed, immediately resolving this issue. Through this, Kalam relays that there were several people in support of religious harmony despite some trying to incite it. 


Write a short autobiography featuring your childhood life using the following


Date and place of birth         Family background                Daily life

School life                             Special event of childhood days, etc.


A Picnic from Nowhere

Kapur uncle, our school assistant, had held three roosters by their feet tied together by a thread made up of a himalayan nettle . He was using both hands to carry them. Everyone was bearing something as per their capacity - gallons of water, vegetables, rice and wheat sacks, and other necessary arrangements. A steel plate with a name on it was common with all. Later I knew, Tirtha sir, the principal, had instructed everyone to bring their own plates with their names on them. I was happy and excited too because for me it was an unexpected picnic out of nowhere.

I was born on 2nd January, 2000 in Barpak, a rural village located in Gorkha, a district in western Nepal. My family was a middle class family- with no lacks for our basic necessities. My father was a farmer but occasionally he would go to India for seasonal jobs. At least half of a year, he would stay with us in the village. My mother was a teacher in the public school in the same village where we lived. And I was her student studying in grade two. I actually adored going to school as I could meet kids of my age. I loved to study as well, but there were several other things that attracted me - the storybooks, the sports, and my friends. It was a small school namely Shree Rastriya Secondary School with around 450 students in it. For being a teacher’s son, I had several privileges too.

And this privilege led me to a picnic one day. It was Saturday and I was in bed when I heard my mother calling- “Prakash! Get up. We have to go to school”. “It’s Saturday, mommy”, I babbled. “I am going to a picnic. If you don’t want to come, you have to stay alone at home for the whole day”, she retorted. A child of eight could do nothing but follow her.

The school had arranged the picnic for grade ten students, and I, a 2nd grader, got lucky to attend because of my mother. I didn't even know what a picnic was by then. After I joined them, it was kind of fun though. The picnic spot was a mesa on the top of the hill from where we could see in all directions to enjoy the scenic beauty. Some of us went to gather firewood, some to fetch water, some started preparing the kitchen, some were making the food items ready, and I watched them do everything. After a while, we all enjoyed the delicious meal. Some of them sang, some danced, and others were spectators like me. Some were still busy with the meal, probably not full yet. This was the picnic that I attended out of nowhere and it will always be there in my memory. 



A. Study the following sentences and underline the connectives.

a. Although she spoke very fast, I understood what she meant to say.

b. In spite of her hard labour, she failed her exam.

c. Though he had all the required qualifications, he did not get the job.

d. Despite having all the qualifications, he did not get the job.

B. Join the following pairs of sentences twice, using although/though/even though and despite/in spite of as in the example.

Example: Nepali people have limited income. They are very happy.

i. Although Nepali people have limited income, they are happy.

ii. Nepali people are happy in spite of their limited income.

a. He is a millionaire. He lives in a simple house.

i. Though he is a millionaire, he lives in a simple house.

ii. He lives in a simple house although he is a millionaire.

b. The weather was extremely bad. The pilot landed the plane safely.

i. Despite the extremely bad weather, the pilot landed the plane safely.

ii. The pilot landed the plane safely though the weather was extremely bad.

c. We study in the same college. We hardly see each other.

i. Even though we study in the same college, we hardly see each other.

ii. Despite studying in the same college, we hardly see each other.

d. It rained heavily. We enjoyed our holiday.

i. Although it rained heavily, we enjoyed our holiday.

ii. In spite of the heavy rain, we enjoyed our holiday.

e. I had an umbrella. I got wet in the rain.

i. I got wet in the rain although I had an umbrella.

ii. Despite having an umbrella, I got wet in the rain.

f. I was really tired. I could not sleep for a moment.

i. Even though I was really tired, I could not sleep for a moment.

ii. In spite of my tiredness, I could not sleep for a moment.

g. She has a very good accent in English. She failed the interview of a newsreader.

i. Though she has a very good accent in English, she failed the interview of a newsreader.

ii. She failed the interview of a newsreader, despite her very good accent in English.

h. Lhasa has extremely cold weather in winter. Millions of tourists go there in January.

i. Although Lhasa has extremely cold weather in winter, millions of tourists go there in January.

ii. Millions of tourists go there in January in spite of its extremely cold weather in winter.

i. He was badly injured in the first round of the boxing match. He was victorious in the third round.

i. Even though he was badly injured in the first round of the boxing match, he was victorious in the third round.

C. Complete each sentence in an appropriate way.

a. He passed the exam although he did not study well.

b. She climbed the mountain in spite of her feeble leg.

c. He did not give any alms to the beggars even though he is the son of a billionaire.

d. In spite of his poor eyesight, he can read everything on the board.

e. Nobody likes her though she is very sociable.

f. He could not pass the selection in spite of his ten attempts.

g. He refused to eat anything despite being hungry for three days.

h. He could not score good grades in the SEE exams in spite of his strong memory.

i. She accepted the job although it did not pay her well.

j. Even though we had planned everything carefully, we could not begin the journey on time.



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